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Monday, December 20, 2021

How to invest in cryptocurrency in India? BIGHBULL

  1. Create a BighBull Account https://promoter.bighbull.org/refl/rx/l/9dc675c77dc7bbd978fc08547382c8c04f17e2dc

  2. Process to Add BIGHBULL in TrustWallet

  • Buy the BIGB from BighBull Login
  1. Login to the_BighBull_and_ClickFor_Buy_BIGB

  2. Enter_Amount_and_Proceed_to_Payment
  3. Review and Confirm it

  4. Pay_Using_MobiLink_PaymentGatewayLink

For Your information,  What is BighBull ?

If any help required, whatsapp me at + 91 89998 03340

We Are Happy To Help You making Money #FxTradingForLiving 

Thursday, December 16, 2021

9 Trading Habits I've Learned From 8 Years of Losing

9 Trading Habits I've Learned From 8 Years of Losing

1) Write down what makes you angry. (revenge trading, missing trades, etc)

2) Don't rush. Treat trading like a business. it takes time to master trading.

3) Study market structure. ready different status of the market.

4) Trade on demo longer.

5) Not giving up.  When you think of you want to quite - think of what else option you have, working for 40 years BOSS telling you ??  Find out your WHY

6) Take screenshots of your trades. Make sure why you are loosing

7) Accept losing. Trading is not about one trade, but multiple trade

8) Invest in education. 

9) Stick to one strategy.

Great Video  !!
Thank You So Much for Sharing!!
Avinash Sawant

Sunday, December 5, 2021

What is Trading System? and Why a Trading System is important?

Robert T Kiyosaki: 

Why System: 

n the B (big business) and I (investor) quadrant, however, the most important thing is the system behind the product or idea. Case in point, most of us can cook a better hamburger than McDonald’s, but few of us can build a better business system.

Rich dad said, “The product is the least important piece to inspect when evaluating a business.”

Rich dad believed that a truly successful business was built on systems and that the product didn’t have to be the best if the systems were world class.

“Many banks will loan money for a franchise, but not for a small start-up business, because they recognize the importance of systems and how starting with a good system lowers their risk.”

“Business owners can go on vacation forever because they own a system, not a job. If the B is on vacation, the money still comes in.”

I hope in above paragraph detail you must understood what is a SYSTEM for a business and why it is important,  for us to become successful and to become consistent successful trader developing a system is very very important. Once you develop a SYSTEM follow the system, once you become expert in following the system its very easy to scale up the outcome from the system .. I hope you are getting me. IF you need any help assistance on this please don't hesitate to reach out to me. 

Please review the below trading system and let me know what is your opinion and which trading system you are following what is working best for you?

Sr NoTitleCommets
1Plan the Trade and Trade the PlanBefore placing order into the market, Plan is on paper - Why to take this trade and Strategy for profit booking and how to exit from the market
2Per Trade Risk = 3% to 5%Looking for the trading setup where 5% loss (1250 - 3000 rs)
3Consicutive -ve tradesnot more than 5 consicutive trades going wrong. If this is the case then its Alarming. Stop trading n Relax
4Trading only on SetupPlanned trading only on candlestick and chart pattern break out & pattern formation
5R:R ratio1:2 & 1:3 risk to reward ratio. And only traded on that, Ride the Ralley
6Coming out of trade strategyif it does not cross over break-even in 3 consicutive candles then better to exit.
7Choosing the scriptscompany market Cap is > 500 CR, has history of at least 1 year, the sector is performing, Volume BrakOut,
8Trading the newsNo. Not recommanded to trade the news wait for market to settle down after news and then trade.
9Time Frameonly only and only traded on Daily and Weekly charts.
10Trading TimingsMost of the trade will start during session start time 3.15pm, read the trading results on every week and take the action properly
11Inherent trend & Reverse OrderTrade must have to follow the inherent trading & strategy for Reverse trading
12Self Analysis - Weekly BasisDrawDown should me minimum < 20%, %win should be more than 50%,
13Fine Tune and changing planFine tunning to monthly requirment, the action for increasing the trading capital and trading strategy
14PlanningWeekly planning for next week pairs, probable trading setups
15CommitmentFollowing the System Rules. Whatever may happen I am following my rules

Useful Link:  https://enlightenedstocktrading.com/build-a-stock-trading-system-for-your-life/

Saturday, December 4, 2021

NSE / BSE Share market Demo Trading To Learn And Practice In Real Market

Hello My Dear Friend, 

Hope you are enjoying learning and practicing on Neostox. We are excited to share that the team at Neostox has launched version 2 of Neostox. This new version comes with plenty of features.

Faster Loading and Connection with Data Feed Servers
The Trade panel now loads faster.
Improved and consistent connectivity with the data feed servers.
Browsing other sections inside the trade panel is faster now.

Hedge Trading
Hedge margin calculation is available now.
While placing the order, both hedge and full margin are displayed.
When you exit from a trade, you can see which other hedged trades will get affected.
When limit orders are executed, the hedge margin is calculated automatically.

Basket Orders
Create baskets and add orders
While adding the orders, it displays the hedge and full margin details
Set the target and stoploss of a basket.
Set target and stoploss of individual orders in the basket.
Execute baskets in isolation mode The orders which are executed do not consider other running orders to calculate hedge and full margin trades. Best feature to test multiple strategies at the same time.
Execute baskets in combination mode. The hedge and full margin is calculated based on the running orders.
Write notes at the time of creation of the basket.

Improved Display of Trades
Baskets and straddles are now displayed as a group with the option to exit in one go.
Sort the list of trades for easy viewing and analysis.
Day’s history now shows the grouped orders for easy viewing and analysis.
View/Hide the columns in the active trades table.

Improved Reporting
Dashboard display is faster and responsive.
Day-wise summary is faster and responsive.
Detailed Report shows more detailed information of trades.
Excel download also contains detailed information of trades.

More Features
Exit All Positions Button
Convert orders from Intraday-MIS to Overnight-Normal or vice versa
Modify Pending Orders
Top up your virtual money even when the trades are running.
Improved order modification for Target, Stop Loss and Order type conversion
Write notes for executed baskets.
Write notes for individual orders.

This new version is available now. Please feel free to write back your feedback to us.

Important Note: When you login to your account after days of inactivity, please reload the page using CTRL + F5.

आशा है आप Neostox पर सीखने और अभ्यास करने का आनंद ले रहे होंगे। मुझे यह बताते हुए खुशी हो रही है कि हमारी टीम ने Neostox के वर्जन 2 को launch कर लिया है। यह नया वर्जन कई खूबियों के साथ आता है।

ज़्यादा तेजी से लोड होना और डाटा फीड से अच्छी connectivity
Data feed servers के साथ तेज़ लोडिंग और कनेक्शन।
ट्रेड पैनल अब जल्दी से लोड होता है।
Data feed servers के साथ बेहतर और लगातार कनेक्टिविटी।
Trade Panel के अंदर अलग sections को ब्राउज़ करना अब तेज़ हो गया है।

Hedge Trading
Hedge margin calculation अब उपलब्ध है।
ऑर्डर लगाते समय, Hedge और full margin दोनों दिखाए जाते हैं।
जब आप किसी ट्रेड से बाहर निकलते हैं, तो आप देख सकते हैं कि कौन से अन्य hedge trades प्रभावित होंगे।
Pending limit orders जब execute होते हैं , तो hedge या full margin calculation automatic हो जाती है।

Basket Orders
अब आप basket orders बना सकते हैं।
Basket में order जोड़ते समय , hedge और full margin दिखाया जाता है।
आप basket का target और stoploss सेट कर सकते हैं।
आप basket के orders का भी stoploss और target सेट कर सकते हैं।
Basket को isolation mode में execute कर सकते हैं। आइसोलेशन मोड में hedge और फुल margin की calculation बाकी trades के साथ नहीं की जाती। इस feature के कारण अब आप multiple strategies एक साथ test कर सकते हैं।
Basket को combination mode में execute कर सकते हैं। इस mode में orders का hedge और full margin बाकी ट्रेड्स के हिसाब से किया जाता है।
आप basket बनाते समय नोट्स भी लिख सकते हैं।

Improved Display of Trades
Baskets और straddles को अब एक ग्रुप में दिखाया जाता है।
Basket और straddle से एक बार में exit कर सकते हैं।
Active और completed trades को sort कर सकते हैं।
Active trades लिस्ट के columns को देखना और छुपाना आसान है।
Day HIstory लिस्ट में trades को ग्रुप कर के देख सकते हैं।

बेहतर रिपोर्टिंग
Dashboard अब ज़्यादा जल्दी से लोड होता हे।
Daywise summary अब ज़्यादा जल्दी से लोड होता है।
Trade Report में अधिक जानकारी दिखती है।
Excel download report में भी अधिक जानकारी दिखती है।

More Features
Exit All button अब दोबारा से चालू कर दिया है।
अब आप Intraday -MIS orders को Overnight -NRML में convert कर सकते हैं।
Pending orders को modify कर सकते हैं।
Target और stoploss को अब बेहतर तरीके से सेट कर सकते हैं।
Orders पर notes लिख सकते हैं।
Baskets पर notes लिख सकते हैं।

महत्वपूर्ण नोट: जब आप लॉगिन karengey तो कृपया CTRL + F5 का उपयोग करके पेज को दोबारा लोड करें।

Happy learning, trading and practicing.

Thank you,
Avinash Sawant
+91 89998 03340

Thursday, February 11, 2021

The 90-90-90 rule - Why do traders fail?

"Many are called, but few are chosen". Ever heard this proverb?

This is certainly true for trading, in fact, there is even a rule in trading about this, the 90-90-90 rule. So what does this rule say?

"90% of traders lose 90% of their money in 90 days"

That's right, statistics show that 90% of people who start trading lose the majority of their money in less than 3 months. But why is that so? In this post I will try to lay out the reasons for failure, if you are a new or struggling trader, I'm sure you'll find this useful. Let's get into it ...


Many start trading because they've seen or read about success stories, people becoming rich overnight, they might even have a friend who has been successful in trading and they think (to say it in Jeremy Clarckson's famous words) "How hard can it be?. With this approach, failure is imminent...


"If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail - Benjamin Franklin . Trading without a plan results almost certainly in failure. Your trading plan should include the definition of your setup, entry, stop loss, profit taking, trade management, risk management and money management.


OK, you have determined how you will trade, what defines your entries and exits, how much of your capital you will risk and how you will manage your trades. But do you know what is the expectancy of that plan? Do you know how much trades you will win on average, and how many you will lose? How much money can you expect to make?
Backtesting your plan, executing it flawlessly time after time on historical data will give you that information and the confidence to execute your plan time and time again without hesitation.


If did not take the time to create a trading plan and backtest it, you don't really know what you are doing and emotions will have the best of you.
Fear, greed, hope, excitement, anxiousness, boredom and frustration will drive your hard earned capital away from you.
Results of these emotions are : trading too much, letting your losers run and cutting winners short, revenge trading, overleveraging etc...
I could write an entire post about each of the emotions and how they can affect you while trading, but it would make this post too lengthy. Just know that emotions are your biggest enemy when trading, for best results you should be in a stoic state when trading.


"The market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent.". If you want to prove the market that you are right, you are doomed to fail. The market is always right, no matter what happens, so you better learn to accept that your analysis or prediction of what would happen was wrong and cut your losses. Fast!


It takes many years to learn a skill or a profession, trading is no different. If you think about making lots of money without putting the time in to learn and test, you pretty much guarantee yourself to fail.
You wouldn't want a lawyer without education to defend you in court, or a self-proclaimed surgeon who learned on YouTube to operate on you, would you?


If you're starting with a low capital, you will tend to try and make it grow fast, resulting in taking too many trades, too high of a risk, too high leverage. If you start with a low capital, you'll have to be OK with the fact that it will grow slowly and that it will take (a lot of) time to build up a sizeable account.


"There is no such thing as easy money." You might think that you don't have the time to learn about trading, making and backtesting a trading plan. So why not follow signals?
Ask yourself what you know about this service? How profitable is it (and don't just go from the claims they make)? Do you know anything about the reason for a signal, why was it triggered?
Have you talked to other users who used the service, what do they think about it? Why is this person/company selling signals if they are so successful as they claim? Philanthropy ? 🤔


Indicators can help you make decisions for trading, but too many indicators can and will lead to opposite signals or "analysis paralysis.
Most indicators are derived from price, so it makes sense to learn how to read price action and discover the story behind the candles.


You took the time to develop a trading plan and even tested it, but you run into a drawdown... Rather than counting on your experience and the expectancy that you know is there, you look for a new shiny method of trading, until the same thing happens again with this new method ... Rinse & repeat, never giving the chance for your original method, which you know was working when you tested it, to prove its worth ...

Alright, I think I have provided the main reasons why new or inexperienced traders fail. Knowing why they (or you) fail is one thing, doing something about it is not a small feat. But with enough dedication, persistance and the right mindset, you can prove these statistics wrong!
Feel like reasons are missing, let me know in the comments below.

So what is your story?
Are you a successful trader now but recognize these reasons for failure?
Are you a new trader? Was this helpful?
What did/will you do to overcome this?
What did/do you struggle most with?

Help the TradingView community by commenting below.

"Trading is a ruthless business that does not take any hostages, so you better come prepared."  - Nico Muselle

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